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Publications by Christian Cajochen
Human Brain Patterns Underlying Vigilant Attention: Impact of Sleep Debt, Circadian Phase and Attentional Engagement
Scientific Reports
Acute Exposure to Evening Blue-Enriched Light Impacts on Human Sleep
Journal of Sleep Research
Behavioral Neuroscience
Cognitive Neuroscience
Light Modulation of Human Sleep Depends on a Polymorphism in the Clock Gene Period3
Behavioural Brain Research
Behavioral Neuroscience
Can Light Make Us Bright? Effects of Light on Cognition and Sleep
Progress in Brain Research
In a Heartbeat: Light and Cardiovascular Physiology
Frontiers in Neurology
Chronobiologie: Licht- Und Wachtherapie Bei Psychiatrischen Erkrankungen
PSYCH up2date
L’étude SiRENE
Forum Médical Suisse ‒ Swiss Medical Forum