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Publications by Christian Huggel
Current and Future Glacier and Lake Assessment in the Deglaciating Vilcanota-Urubamba Basin, Peruvian Andes
Global and Planetary Change
Planetary Change
Precipitation Characteristics at Two Locations in the Tropical Andes by Means of Vertically Pointing Micro-Rain Radar Observations
Remote Sensing
Planetary Sciences
Climate Change in the Mountain Cryosphere: Impacts and Responses
Regional Environmental Change
Planetary Change
Climate Change Research in Bilateral Development Programmes: Experiences From India and Peru
Development in Practice
Adaptation Capacity of a Landslide Early Warning System to Climate Change: Numerical Modeling for Combeima Region in Colombia
Journal of Integrated Disaster Risk Management
Proyectos Multipropósito Para La Gestión De Recursos Hídricos en Los Andes Tropicales: Planteamientos Generales Basados en Proceso Participativo
Espacio y Desarrollo
Precursory Seismicity Associated With Frequent, Large Ice Avalanches on Iliamna Volcano, Alaska, USA
Journal of Glaciology
Earth-Surface Processes