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Publications by Christine W. Mwanzia
Employment Creation in Kenya: Exploring the Jua Kali Enterprises
Problems and Perspectives in Management
Public Administration
International Management
Information Systems
Political Science
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Dimensions of Informal Sector Association Membership: Experiences From Jua Kali Associations in Western Kenya
Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal
Employment Creation and Destruction in Surviving Enterprises
Growth Aspirations of Young Informal Micro-Entrepreneurs in Nairobi, Kenya: A Case Study of the Jua Kali Manufacturing Sector
Impact of Agricultural Enterprises on Employment Creation and Income Generation in Hadiya Zone, Ethiopia
The Role of Non-Farm Household Enterprises in Poverty Reduction, Employment Creation and Economic Growth in Rwanda
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Employment Creation Through Small, Medium and Micro Enterprises (SMMEs) in South Africa: Challenges, Progress and Sustainability
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Knowledge Creation in State-Owned Enterprises
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