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Publications by Christopher Deacy
Review of Daniel S. Cutrara, Wicked Cinema: Sex and Religion on Screen, Austin: University of Texas Press 2014, Xi + 272 Pp., ISBN 978-1-4773-0753-3
Religion and Gender
Related publications
Michael Berkowitz. Jews and Photography in Britain. Austin: University of Texas Press, 2015. 358 Pp.
AJS Review
Literary Theory
Religious Studies
Cultural Studies
BOOK REVIEW: Mir, S. (2014). Muslim American Women on Campus: Undergraduate Social Life and Identity. Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press. 224 Pp., ISBN: 978-1-4696-1078-8.
FIRE: Forum for International Research in Education
Andrew Hock Soon Ng, Intimating the Sacred: Religion in English Language Malaysian Fiction, Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press 2014, 281 Pp., ISBN 978-988-8083-21-3
Religion and Gender
Pleasure Reading. Ummni Khan, Vicarious Kinks: S/M in the Socio-Legal Imaginary (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2014), Pp 376. ISBN 978-1-4426-1551-9
McGill Law Journal
Douglas Hill (Ed.), Letters From the Crimea: Writing Home, a Dundee Doctor (Dundee: Dundee University Press, 2010), Pp. Xi + 224, Paperback, ISBN: 978-1-84586-094-3.
Medical History
Book Review: Beyond the Screen: Emerging Cinema and Engaging AudiencesAtkinsonSarah, Beyond the Screen: Emerging Cinema and Engaging Audiences. New York: Bloomsbury, 2014; 312 Pp. ISBN: 9781623566371, A$130.00.
Media International Australia
Cultural Studies
Review of Linda Martín Alcoff and John D. Caputo, Eds., Feminism, Sexuality and the Return of Religion, Bloomington and Indianapolis: Indiana University Press 2013, 195 Pp., ISBN: 978-0-253-22304-3
Religion and Gender
Y a Ng Huilin, China Christianity and the Question of Culture, Waco, Baylor University Press, 2014, 272 Pp.
Estudios de Asia y Africa
Cultural Studies
Political Science
Herb MacDonald. Cape Breton Railways. An Illustrated History. (Sydney: 2012, Cape Breton University Press. Pp. 260. ISBN: 978-1-897009-67-3)