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Publications by Claire L. Ryder
A Detailed Characterization of the Saharan Dust Collected During the Fennec Campaign in 2011: In Situ Ground-Based and Laboratory Measurements
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics
Atmospheric Science
Net Radiative Effects of Dust in the Tropical North Atlantic Based on Integrated Satellite Observations and in Situ Measurements
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics
Atmospheric Science
Aircraft and Ground Measurements of Dust Aerosols Over the West Africa Coast in Summer 2015 During ICE-D and AER-D
Coarse and Giant Particles Are Ubiquitous in Saharan Dust Export Regions and Are Radiatively Significant Over the Sahara
Aircraft and Ground Measurements of Dust Aerosols Over the West Africa Coast in Summer 2015 During ICE-D and AER-D
Coarse Mode Mineral Dust Size Distributions, Composition and Optical Properties From AER-D Aircraft Measurements Over the Tropical Eastern Atlantic
Can Explicit Convection Improve Modelled Dust in Summertime West Africa?