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Publications by Cornelia (Connie) Pechmann
The Characteristics of Transformative Consumer Research and How It Can Contribute to and Enhance Consumer Psychology
Journal of Consumer Psychology
Applied Psychology
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Understanding Poverty and Promoting Poverty Alleviation Through Transformative Consumer Research
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The Emotion of Interest and Its Relevance to Consumer Psychology and Behaviour
Australasian Marketing Journal
Resources, Reindeer and Man. How Can Research Contribute to Sustainable Development?
How Can Cognitive Science Contribute to Sport? How Can Sport Contribute to Neuroscience?
Baltic Journal of Health and Physical Activity
How Can Neuroscience Contribute to Moral Philosophy, Psychology and Education Based on Aristotelian Virtue Ethics?
International Journal of Ethics Education
What Autists Can Teach Us About Social Interactions and How Psychoanalytic Treatment Can Contribute to It
Tenderness, Juiciness, and Flavor Contribute to the Overall Consumer Beef Eating Experience
Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station Research Reports
How Ethno Marketing Can Determine Consumer Decision to Use Branchless Banking Services