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Publications by Cristian Podoleanu
MASked-unconTrolled hypERtension Management Based on Office BP or on Ambulatory Blood Pressure Measurement (MASTER) Study: A Randomised Controlled Trial Protocol
BMJ Open
Nail Damage (Severe Onychodystrophy) Induced by Acrylate Glue: Scanning Electron Microscopy and Energy Dispersive X-Ray Investigations
Skin Appendage Disorders
Acute Hemorrhagic Edema of Infancy: A Benign Condition With Impressive Clinical Picture
Pediatrics and Neonatology
Child Health
Original Paper Multifocal/Multicentric Breast Carcinomas Showing Intertumoural Heterogeneity: A Comparison of Histological Tumour Type and Nottingham Histological Grade of Primary Tumour and Lymph Node Metastasis
Polish Journal of Pathology
Forensic Medicine
Chemical or Surgical Treatment in Ingrown Toenails? Practical Issues From a Case Series
Journal of Interdisciplinary Medicine
70% Trichloroacetic Acid in the Treatment of Facial Sebaceous Hyperplasia
Journal of Interdisciplinary Medicine
Cutaneous Manifestations of Cystic Fibrosis
Journal of Interdisciplinary Medicine
Romanian Questionnaire to Assess the Prevalence of Occupational Hand Eczema Among Healthcare Providers
Journal of Interdisciplinary Medicine
Atypical Case of Pityriasis Rosea in a Child Following Streptococcal Erythema Nodosum
Journal of Interdisciplinary Medicine