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Publications by D. J. Etherington
Acoustic Telemetry Evaluation of Juvenile Salmonid Passage and Survival at John Day Dam, 2010
Survival and Passage of Yearling Chinook Salmon and Steelhead at the Dalles Dam, Spring 2011 - FINAL REPORT
Related publications
Acoustic Telemetry Evaluation of Juvenile Salmonid Passage and Survival Proportions at John Day Dam, 2009
Monitoring of Juvenile Yearling Chinook Salmon and Steelhead Survival and Passage at John Day Dam, Spring 2010
Optimization of Concurrent Deployments of the Juvenile Salmon Acoustic Telemetry System and Other Hydroacoustic Equipment at John Day Dam
Synthesis of Juvenile Salmonid Passage Studies at the Dalles Dam, Volume II, 2001-05
Behavior and Dam Passage of Juvenile Chinook Salmon and Juvenile Steelhead at Detroit Reservoir and Dam, Oregon, March 2012-February 2013
Open-File Report
A Field Evaluation of an External and Neutrally Buoyant Acoustic Transmitter for Juvenile Salmon: Implications for Estimating Hydroturbine Passage Survival
Evaluation of Juvenile Salmonid Outmigration and Survival in the Lower Umatilla River Basin; 1996 Annual Report.
Evaluation of Juvenile Salmonid Outmigration and Survival in the Lower Umatilla River Basin, Annual Report 2003-2006.