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Publications by D. J. Van Domelen
Paleomagnetic Polarity of Some Vertebrate Fossil Localities of the Glenns Ferry Formation in the Chalk Hills, Near Froman Ferry, Western Snake River Plain, Southwest Idaho
Open-File Report
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Ground-Water Quality in the Western Snake River Basin, Swan Falls to Glenns Ferry, Idaho
Seismic Expression and Geological Significance of a Lacustrine Delta in Neogene Deposits of the Western Snake River Plain, Idaho
AAPG Bulletin
Planetary Sciences
Energy Engineering
Fuel Technology
Power Technology
Inventory of Site-Derived {Sup 36}Cl in the Snake River Plain Aquifier, Idaho National Engineering Laboratory, Idaho
Paleomagnetic Results From the Snake River Plain: Contribution to the Time-Averaged Field Global Database
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems
Stratigraphy of the Unsaturated Zone and Uppermost Part of the Snake River Plain Aquifer at Test Area North, Idaho National Engineering Laboratory, Idaho
"Crossing Brooklyn Ferry"
The Competitiveness of Ferry Shipping Company in Indonesia
Preliminary Geological Interpretation and Lithologic Log of the Exploratory Geothermal Test Well (INEL-1), Idaho National Enginering Laboratory, Eastern Snake River Plain, Idaho
The Economic Aspects of the Ferry Operator Activity - Selected Issues
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