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Publications by D. K. Singh
Nonconventional Spin Glass Transition in a Chemically Ordered Pyrochlore
Physical Review Letters
Comparison of Pharmacological Properties and Phytochemical Constituents of in Vitro Propagated and Naturally Occurring Liverwort Lunularia Cruciata
BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine
Alternative Medicine
Fragile Antiferromagnetism in the Heavy-Fermion Compound YbBiPt
Physical Review B
Response of Wheat Cultivars to Foliar Potassium Fertilization Under Irrigated Saline Environment
Journal of Applied and Natural Science
Comparative Evaluation of Water Budgeting Parameters Under Different Rice (Oryza Sativa L.) Cultivation Methods
Journal of Applied and Natural Science
Association of Iron Deficiency States and Febrile Seizures in Children-A Case Control Study
International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences
Correlation Of13C Shifts With Substituent Parameters in 3,4-Diphenyl-1,2,5-Oxadiazole 2-Oxides Substituted at the Para-Positions of Either or Both Phenyl Rings
Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan
Rapid Detection of Brucella Species in Cattle Semen by PCR
Journal of Applied Animal Research
Animal Science
Subsoil Constraints in Vertosols: Crop Water Use, Nutrient Concentration, and Grain Yields of Bread Wheat, Durum Wheat, Barley, Chickpea, and Canola
Australian Journal of Agricultural Research