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Publications by D. Repetto
Temperature Dependence of the Surface Anisotropy of Fe Ultrathin Films on Cu(001)
Physical Review Letters
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Magnetic Anisotropy of Fe Films in MgO/Cu(tCu)/Fe/Cu Systems
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Structural Relaxation and Magnetic Anisotropy in Co/Cu(001) Films
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Influence of Growth Temperature on the Spin Reorientation of Ni/Cu(100) Ultrathin Films
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In-Situ Observations of Magneto-Optical Spectra for Co/Cu(001) Ultrathin Films.
Journal of the Magnetics Society of Japan
Ab Initiotheory of Temperature Dependence of Magnetic Anisotropy in Layered Systems: Applications to Thin Co Films on Cu(100)
Physical Review B
Composition Dependence of the Magnetoresistance for Ni-Co/Cu and Co-Fe/Cu Multilayer Films.
Journal of the Magnetics Society of Japan
Growth, Structure, and Magnetism of FCC Fe Ultrathin Films on Cu(111) by Pulsed Laser Deposition
Physical Review B
Temperature Dependence of Induced Magnetic Anisotropy in Very Thin Permalloy Films.
Journal of the Magnetics Society of Japan
Ferromagnetic Order at Surfaces of Ultrathin Epitaxial Fccγ-Fe(111)p(11) Films on Cu(111)
Physical Review Letters