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Publications by D.M. Good
The Effects of Epithelium Removal on the Actions of Cholinomimetic Drugs in Opened Segments and Perfused Tubular Preparations of Guinea-Pig Trachea
British Journal of Pharmacology
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The Effects of Epithelium Removal on the Sensitivity of Guinea-Pig Isolated Trachealis to Bronchodilator Drugs
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Effects of Topical Budesonide on Epithelial Restitution in Vivo in Guinea Pig Trachea.
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Effects of CO2, Bicarbonate and pH on the Performance of Isolated Perfused Guinea Pig Hearts
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Innervation of the Smooth Muscle of the Guinea-Pig Trachea
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GABA-mediated Inhibition of the Anaphylactic Response in the Guinea-Pig Trachea
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The Epithelium and the Pharmacology of Guinea-Pig Tracheal Tone in Vitro
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