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Publications by Daša Stanič
Perception of Success Among Participants to the National Contest in Italian Ad a Foreign and as Second Language
Journal for Foreign Languages
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DEStech Transactions on Social Science, Education and Human Science
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Six Memos for Teaching Italian as a Foreign Language: Creativity, Storytelling, and Visual Imagination in the Language Classroom
EuroAmerican Journal of Applied Linguistics and Languages
Teaching Lithuanian as a Second/Foreign Language: Current Practicies
Eesti Rakenduslingvistika Uhingu Aastaraamat
Features of Language Interference in the Process of Learning Chinese as a Second Foreign Language in Russia*
Analysis of Teachers’ Perception of the Effectiveness of MAECI Online Glottodidactic Training for Teachers of Italian as a Foreign Language: A Case Study
International Journal of Linguistics
Analysis of Second Language Acquisition (SLA) Speech Perception Model & the Perception of Second Language Prosody
Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala
Social Psychology
Political Science
The Effects of English as a Foreign Language Learning on the Perception and Value of Regional and National Identity in Colombia: A Cross-Sectional Study
The Important Role of Pragmatics in Teaching Greek as a Second/Foreign Language: A Study on Compliment Responses by Learners of Greek as a Second Language
Kathedra of Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies