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Publications by Danhong Xie
Research on CPK Authentication Based on Cloud Environment
DEStech Transactions on Computer Science and Engineering
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Research on Workflow Optimization in Cloud Manufacturing Environment
Journal of Software Engineering
Resource Management Model Based on Cloud Computing Environment
International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks
Computer Networks
Research on Mobile Cloud Service Model Based on WBS
MATEC Web of Conferences
Materials Science
A Study of Security Authentication for Cloud Computing Based on Smart Phone
The Journal of Korea Information and Communications Society
Research on Data Security and Protection Technology Under Cloud Environment
An Automated Cloud Security Framework Based on FCM in User-Cloud Environment
International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology
Computer Science Applications
Environmental Engineering
The Research on Multi-Authority Based Weighted Attribute Encryption Algorithm in the Cloud Computing Environment
Security Strategy Research and Design Based on Agency Identity Authentication
Advanced Engineering Forum
Research on P2P Resources Search Algorithm Based on Cloud Computing
Advanced Materials Research