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Publications by Daniel Bunner
The Geologic Setting and Geochemistry of Auriferous Iron-Formations on the Bugow Property, Russell Lake Area, District of Mackenzie, Northwest Territories.
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Impact of Lake Expansion on Mercury Concentrations in Lake Sediments, Mackenzie Bison Sanctuary, Northwest Territories, Canada
The Climatic Implications of Lake Level Expansion in the Mackenzie Bison Sanctuary, Fort Providence, Northwest Territories
Seasonal Ranges of Dall's Sheep, Mackenzie Mountains, Northwest Territories
Stratigraphy, Sedimentology and Diagenesis-Porosity Relationships of the Subsurface, Neocomian Parsons Group, Mackenzie Delta Area, Northwest Territories, Canada.
Metamorphism of Iron Formations on the Melville Peninsula, North West Territories.
Notes on Mammals Collected and Observed in the Northern Mackenzie River District, Northwest Territories of Canada, With Remarks on Explorers and Explorations of the Far North
Proceedings of the United States National Museum
Near-Surface Ground Ice in Sediments of the Mackenzie Delta Region, Northwest Territories
Summary of 2018 Mackenzie Delta Permafrost Field Campaign (mCAN2018), Northwest Territories
The Externides of Wopmay Orogen, Takijuq Lake and Kikerk Lake Map Areas, District of Mackenzie