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Publications by David Coffland
Using an Appreciative Inquiry Approach to Enhance Intrinsic Motivation in Higher Education Courses
AI Practitioner
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Using Appreciative Inquiry to Inform Program Evaluation in Graduate Medical Education
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Using an “Escape Room” Toolbox Approach to Enhance Pharmacology Education
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Advising Approach to Enhance Students' Performance Level in Higher Education Environments
Journal of Computer Science
Computer Networks
Artificial Intelligence
Appreciative Inquiry and Knowledge Management
Using an ‘Open Approach’ to Create a New, Innovative Higher Education Model
Open Praxis
Considering an Appreciative Approach to International Extension Evaluation
Journal of International Agricultural and Extension Education
Crop Science
Leadership Decision-Making Strategies Using Appreciative Inquiry: A Case Study
International Journal of Globalisation and Small Business
Information Systems
International Management
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Operations Research
How to Effectively Apply Appreciative Inquiry in Developing Talent in Organizations
Effective Talent Management Strategies for Organizational Success