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Publications by David Monk
Effectiveness of a National Quality Improvement Programme to Improve Survival After Emergency Abdominal Surgery (EPOCH): A Stepped-Wedge Cluster-Randomised Trial
The Lancet
Maternal Inheritance of a Promoter Variant in the Imprinted PHLDA2 Gene Significantly Increases Birth Weight
American Journal of Human Genetics
Hypermethylation of the Alternative AWT1 Promoter in Hematological Malignancies Is a Highly Specific Marker for Acute Myeloid Leukemias Despite High Expression Levels
Journal of Hematology and Oncology
Cancer Research
Molecular Biology
Genomic Imprinting of Dopa Decarboxylase in Heart and Reciprocal Allelic Expression With Neighboring Grb10
Molecular and Cellular Biology
Cell Biology
Molecular Biology
Maternal Repression of the Human GRB10 Gene in the Developing Central Nervous System; Evaluation of the Role for GRB10 in Silver-Russell Syndrome
European Journal of Human Genetics
Professor W. L. Edge
Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society