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Publications by David R. Sweet
Taking KLF9 to “Cort” for Crimes Against Metabolism
Journal of Clinical Investigation
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Crimes Against Peace
Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology (1931-1951)
Crimes Against Property & Ownership
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Calling for the Punishment to Fit the Crime: Genocide, War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity in South Africa
South African Crime Quarterly
Cyber Crimes Against Women: Qualification and Means
European Journal of Social Sciences
Can Genocide, Crimes Against Humanity and War Crimes Be Pardoned or Amnestied?
Amicus Curiae
Human Rights and Crimes Against Humanity
Prosecuting Crimes Against Humanity in Domestic Courts
Honour. Crimes, Paradigms and Violence Against Women
Yearbook of Islamic and Middle Eastern Law Online
Non-Applicability of Prescription to War Crimes During Iraq’s War Against Iran
Journal of Politics and Law