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Publications by David Ronen
Scheduling Ocean Transportation of Crude Oil
Management Science
Management Science
Operations Research
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New Continuous-Time Formulation and Algorithm for Crude-Oil Scheduling Problems With Oil Residency Time Constraint and Pipeline Transportation
Modeling and Scheduling of Crude Oil Operations in Refinery
Ensuring the Reliability of Pipeline Transportation of Crude Oil by Using an Electromagnetic Fluid Activator
Scientific and Technical Volga region Bulletin
Auto Regressive Distributed Lag Model for Crude Oil (Brent) and Crude Oil (WTI)
International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering
Management of Technology
A Novel Algorithm Combining Finite State Method and Genetic Algorithm for Solving Crude Oil Scheduling Problem
The Scientific World Journal
Molecular Biology
Environmental Science
Can the Prices of the World Crude Oil as a Proxy Cost Transportation in Trade in Asean-3?
Jurnal Ilmu Ekonomi dan Pembangunan
High Viscosity Oil Transportation
The Complexity of Crude Oil Prices
Polgári Szemle
Biotreatment of Crude Oil Contaminated Soil
Microbiology Research Journal International