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Publications by Deborah L Stoliker
Evaluating Ion Exchange Resin Efficiency and Oxidative Capacity for the Separation of Uranium(IV) and Uranium(VI)
Geochemical Transactions
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Organic Ion Exchange Resin Separation Methods Evaluation
Separation of Fluorine Ion by Use of Ion Exchange Resin
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Precipitation of Thorium or Uranium(VI) Complex Ion With Cobalt(III) or Chromium(III) Complex Cation, (IV)
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The Oxidation of Uranium(IV) by N-Phenylbenzohydroxamic Acid and the Structure of the Reaction Product: Chlorodioxo-N-Phenylbenzohydroxamato-Bis(Tetrahydrofuran)uranium(VI)[1]
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Contribution of Electron Exchange Reaction Rate to Chemical Uranium Isotope Separation.
Journal of the Atomic Energy Society of Japan / Atomic Energy Society of Japan