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Publications by E. A. McCutchan
Analysis of the Daya Bay Reactor Antineutrino Flux Changes With Fuel Burnup
Physical Review Letters
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EPJ Web of Conferences
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Improved Measurement of Electron-Antineutrino Disappearance at Daya Bay
Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements
Daya Bay Reactor Neutrino Experiment
The Measurement of Absolute Reactor Neutrino Flux and Spectrum, and Their Evolution at Daya Bay
First Results of the Daya Bay Reactor Neutrino Experiment
Reactor Antineutrino Experiments
International Journal of Modern Physics: Conference Series
Feasibility Assessment of Burnup Credit in the Criticality Analysis of Shipping Casks With Boiling Water Reactor Spent Fuel
Nuclear Technology
High Energy Physics
Nuclear Energy
Condensed Matter Physics