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Publications by E. ADIGUZEL
A Study of the Nutrient Foramina in the Shaft of the Fibula
Okajimas Folia Anatomica Japonica
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Morphology and Topography of Nutrient Foramina in Fibula
Annals of International medical and Dental Research
A Study of Nutrient Foramina of Dry Humerus in South Indian Population
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Study of Nutrient Foramina of Human Radii of Saurashtra Region
Academia Anatomica International
On the Nutrient Arteries to the Shaft of the Femur
Okayama Igakkai Zasshi (Journal of Okayama Medical Association)
A Morphological Study on the Course, Branching Pattern and Termination of Peroneal Artery With a Note on the Nutrient Branch to Fibula
International Journal of Current Research and Review
Molecular Biology
Biological Sciences
Study of Variation of the Diameter of the Spinal Canal and the Foramina in Spondylolisthesis
Coluna/ Columna
Sports Medicine
A Study on Variations of Nutrient Foramen of Fibula in Saurashtra Region With Its Clinical Relevance
Academia Anatomica International
Total Cross-Sectional Area of the Femoral Neck Nutrient Foramina Measured to Assess Arterial Vascular Beds in the Femoral Head
Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research
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Pachydysostosis of the Fibula
The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery. British volume