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Publications by E. N. Serga
Zones of Intensive Interactions Over the North Atlantic, 700 hPa Level, November
Ukrainian hydrometeorological journal
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The Classification of Synoptic-Scale Eddies at 850 hPa Over the North Pacific in Wintertime
Advances in Meteorology
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Diurnal Variation of Surface Pressure Over the North Atlantic Ocean
Monthly Weather Review
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Warm Water Pathways in the Northeastern North Atlantic: ACCE RAFOS Float Data Report, November 1996-November 1997
Operational Numerical Prediction of Rapid Cyclogenesis Over the North Atlantic
Tellus A: Dynamic Meteorology and Oceanography
Planetary and Synoptic-Scale Interactions During the Life Cycle of a Mid-Latitude Blocking Anticyclone Over the North Atlantic
Tellus, Series A: Dynamic Meteorology and Oceanography
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Climate, Fishery and Society Interactions: Observations From the North Atlantic
Deep-Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography