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Publications by E. Remoundaki
Optical-Microphysical Properties of Saharan Dust Aerosols and Composition Relationship Using a Multi-Wavelength Raman Lidar, in Situ Sensors and Modelling: A Case Study Analysis
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics
Atmospheric Science
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Study of Droplet Activation in Thin Clouds Using Ground-Based Raman Lidar and Ancillary Remote Sensors
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Year-Round in Situ Measurements of Arctic Low-Level Clouds: Microphysical Properties and Their Relationships With Aerosols
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Retrieving Microphysical Properties of Dust-Like Particles Using Ellipsoids: The Case of Refractive Index
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Evaluation of the Lidar/Radiometer Inversion Code (LIRIC) to Determine Microphysical Properties of Volcanic and Desert Dust
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UV Raman Lidar Measurements of Relative Humidity for the Characterization of Cirrus Cloud Microphysical Properties
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Multi-Wavelength Raman Lidar Observations of the Eyjafjallajökull Volcanic Cloud Over Potenza, Southern Italy
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Regional Modelling of Saharan Dust and Biomass-Burning Smoke
Tellus B: Chemical and Physical Meteorology
Simultaneous in Situ Measurement of Temperature and Relative Humidity in a PEMFC Using Optical Fiber Sensors
Journal of the Electrochemical Society
Condensed Matter Physics
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Development of Three-Wavelength Polarization-Raman Lidar and Application to Shipborne Measurements
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