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Publications by E. de Coning
South African Weather Service Operational Satellite Based Precipitation Estimation Technique: Applications and Improvements
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences
Water Science
Planetary Sciences
Validation of the Meteosat Storm Detection and Nowcasting System Cb-Tram With Lightning Network Data &Ndash; Europe and South Africa
Atmospheric Measurement Techniques
Atmospheric Science
Related publications
Satellite Cloud and Precipitation Assimilation at Operational NWP Centres
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society
Atmospheric Science
Status and Outlook of Operational Satellite Precipitation Algorithms for Extreme-Precipitation Events
Weather and Forecasting
Atmospheric Science
Weather Radar Polarimetry–Trends Toward Operational Applications
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society
Atmospheric Science
Evaluation of Satellite Based Near-Real Time Precipitation Estimation Over Urban Area
International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology
Operational Responsibilities of the National Weather Service River and Flood Program
Weather and Forecasting
Atmospheric Science
Quality‐based Compositing of Weather Radar‐derived Precipitation
Meteorological Applications
Atmospheric Science
Assimilation of Weather Radar and Binary Ubiquitous Sensor Measurements for Quantitative Precipitation Estimation
Journal of Hydroinformatics
Geotechnical Engineering
Engineering Geology
Atmospheric Science
Structural Engineering
Water Science
Radar-Derived Quantitative Precipitation Estimation Based on Precipitation Classification
Advances in Meteorology
Atmospheric Science
Estimation of Substitution and Transformation Elasticities for South African Trade
WIDER Working Paper