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Publications by Edi Syahputra
The Effect of Think Talk Write Learning Model With Batak Toba Culture Context Toward Students’ Mathematical Communication Skill of SMP Swasta Parulian 2 Medan
American Journal of Educational Research
Development of Mathematics Learning Tools Based Van Hiele Model to Improving Spatial Ability and Self-Concept Student’s of MTs.S Ulumuddin
American Journal of Educational Research
Influence of Problem Based Learning Model and Early Mathematics Ability to Mathematical Communication Skills and Self-Confidence in Junior High School
American Journal of Educational Research
Qualitative Analysis of Metacognition Ability and Creativity Thinking With Jigsaw Cooperative Learning Model
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EduTech: Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan dan Ilmu Sosial
Identitas Budaya Pada Mahasiswa Batak Toba Yang Kuliah Di Medan
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The Implementation of Quantum Teaching (QT) and Think Talk Write (TTW) Through Lesson Study to Improve Students’ Learning Motivation
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Implementation of Think Talk Write (Ttw) to Improve Student’s Activity and Learning Achievement
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MES: Journal of Mathematics Education and Science