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Publications by Edward P. Lemay
Projection of Responsiveness to Needs and the Construction of Satisfying Communal Relationships.
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology
Social Psychology
Political Science
“You’re Just Saying That.” Contingencies of Self-Worth, Suspicion, and Authenticity in the Interpersonal Affirmation Process
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology
Social Psychology
Political Science
Related publications
Satisfying Personal Needs at the Museum: The Role of Digital Technologies
MedieKultur: Journal of media and communication research
The Role of Interbank Relationships and Liquidity Needs
Working paper (Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland)
The Impact of Verbal Communication on Satisfying Employees' Social Needs and the Role of Organizational Identification
Does Decentralization Increase Responsiveness to Local Needs? Evidence From Bolivia
Policy Research Working Papers
Euler Equations With Several Independent Pressure Laws and Entropy Satisfying Explicit Projection Schemes
Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences
Applied Mathematics
Presupposition Projection as Proof Construction
Computing Meaning
Possibilities of Satisfying the Energy Needs of Rural Community Residents With Renewable Energy Sources – The Case of Poland
Acta Regionalia et Environmentalica
A Recursive Construction Method of S-Boxes Satisfying Strict Avalanche Criterion
Dance: A Scenario for Human Construction and Projection
Educación y Educadores