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Publications by Elena Belaya
A Character’s Profession in the Belarusian Prose of the First Third of the 20th Century: Social and Aesthetic Philosophical Value
Stephanos. Peer reviewed multilanguage scientific journal
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Bulletin of the Moscow State Regional University (History and Political Sciences)
Belarusian Lexicographical Codification of the First Half of the 20th Century and “Dictionary of the Ukrainian Language” Edited by B. Grinchenko: Specificity of Descriptive Methods
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The Belarusian Leadership, His Country and Squalor as Depicted in the Work of Young Belarusian Prose Writers
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The Augmented Tonality in the First Half of the 20th Century Music
International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conference on the Dialogue between Sciences & Arts, Religion & Education
Architecture and Materials in the First Half of the 20th Century in Italy
International Journal of Heritage Architecture: Studies, Repairs and Maintence
The Growth of Indonesian Aesthetic Value of Kriya (Handicrafts) in the 21st Century
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Belgrave Square in the 20th Century - The First 50 Years
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Primum Non Nocere: Moral and Ethical Issues in the Literary and Medical Discourse of the 20th Century U.S. Prose
Bulletin of Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University