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Publications by Ella B. Tyree
Influence of X-Irradiation Upon Water Consumption by the Rat
American Journal of Physiology-Legacy Content
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The Influence of Ethanol Upon Maintained Water Diuresis in Man
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Oxigraphic Studies on the Influence of High Hydrostatic Pressure Upon the Oxygen Consumption of Tissues
Okayama Igakkai Zasshi (Journal of Okayama Medical Association)
The Influence of Whole Body X-Irradiation of the Biosynthesis of Cholesterol in Liver.
Acta Chemica Scandinavica
Influence of Irregularity of Water Consumption on Water Age in a Water Supply Network
E3S Web of Conferences
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Changes in Ultrastructure of Rat Ovaries After Early Postnatal X-Ray Irradiation
Endocrinologia Japonica
The Influence of the Time Interval Upon the Rate of Learning in the White Rat.
Psychological Monographs