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Publications by Evangelia Demerouti
Burnout and Job Performance: The Moderating Role of Selection, Optimization, and Compensation Strategies.
Journal of Occupational Health Psychology
Public Health
Applied Psychology
Occupational Health
The Job Demands and Resources Decision Making (JD-R-DM) Model
European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology
Human Resource Management
Applied Psychology
Organizational Behavior
Positive Experiences at Work and Daily Recovery: Effects on Couple’s Well-Being
Journal of Happiness Studies
Social Sciences
Integrating Individual Strategies in the Job Demands-Resources Theory
Istanbul Business Research
Present but Sick: A Three‐wave Study on Job Demands, Presenteeism and Burnout
Career Development International
Human Resource Management
Social Sciences
Organizational Behavior
The Crossover of Work Engagement Between Working Couples
Journal of Managerial Psychology
Organizational Behavior
Human Resource Management
Applied Psychology
Management Science
Social Psychology
Operations Research
The Role of Personal Resources in the Job Demands-Resources Model.
International Journal of Stress Management
Applied Psychology