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Publications by Filip Vaverka
Evaluation of the Suitability of Intel Xeon Phi Clusters for the Simulation of Ultrasound Wave Propagation Using Pseudospectral Methods
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Computer Science
Theoretical Computer Science
Related publications
DALIGNER Performance Evaluation on Intel Xeon Phi Architecture
Intel Xeon Phi Coprocessor High Performance Programming
Trinity Benchmarks on the Intel Xeon Phi (Knights Corner).
Auto-Tuning Streamed Applications on Intel Xeon Phi
Data Structures for Markov Chain Transition Matrices on Intel Xeon Phi
Accelerating Time Series Motif Discovery in the Intel Xeon Phi KNL Processor
Journal of Supercomputing
Information Systems
Theoretical Computer Science
Adaptation of MPDATA Heterogeneous Stencil Computation to Intel Xeon Phi Coprocessor
Scientific Programming
Computer Science Applications
Parallelizing Nested Loops on the Intel Xeon Phi on the Example of the Dense WZ Factorization
О Поддержке Работы Т++-Приложений На Гибридных Вычислительных Кластераx На Базе Процессоров Intel Xeon И Ускорителей Intel Xeon Phi
International journal "Programmnye produkty i sistemy"