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Publications by Floyd B. Streeter
Party Organization and Machinery in Michigan Since 1890
Michigan Law Review
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Presidential Nominations Since Party Reform
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The Nursing History of Ngala Since 1890: An Early Parenting Organisation in Western Australia
Australian Journal of Child and Family Health Nursing
Conservative Party National Conventions, 1927-1956; Organization and Procedure.
The Role of Small ‘C’ Christianity in the Conservative Party Since the 1990s
British Politics
International Relations
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To the Concept of Corporate Technical Service Organization Machinery and Equipment
Bulletin of Belgorod State Technological University named after. V. G. Shukhov
Reshaping the People’s Liberation Army Since the 18th Party Congress: Politics, Policymaking, and Professionalism
Journal of Strategic Studies
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Organization of Career Guidance for the Specialization in Machinery and Equipment for Oil and Gas Fields
SHS Web of Conferences
Kalmyk Oblast Party Organization: Membership Growth and Structure Regulation (1920s - Early to Mid-1930s)
Монголоведение (Монгол судлал)