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Publications by Francesco Canonaco
Impacts of Traffic Emissions on Atmospheric Particulate Nitrate and Organics at a Downwind Site on the Periphery of Guangzhou, China
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics
Atmospheric Science
Fossil and Non-Fossil Source Contributions to Atmospheric Carbonaceous Aerosols During Extreme Spring Grassland Fires in Eastern Europe
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics
Atmospheric Science
The Impact of Biomass Burning and Aqueous-Phase Processing on Air Quality: A Multi-Year Source Apportionment Study in the Po Valley, Italy
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics
Atmospheric Science
Sources of Organic Aerosols in Europe: A Modelling Study Using CAMx With Modified Volatility Basis Set Scheme
Supplementary Material to &Quot;Source Apportionment of Highly Time Resolved Trace Elements During a Firework Episode From a Rural Freeway Site in Switzerland"
The Impact of Biomass Burning and Aqueous-Phase Processing on Air Quality: A Multi-Year Source Apportionment Study in the Po Valley, Italy
Supplementary Material to &Quot;The Impact of Biomass Burning and Aqueous-Phase Processing on Air Quality: A Multi-Year Source Apportionment Study in the Po Valley, Italy"
Chemical Characterization and Source Apportionment of Submicron Aerosols Measured in Senegal During the 2015 SHADOW Campaign
Source Characterization of Highly Oxidized Multifunctional Compounds in a Boreal Forest Environment Using Positive Matrix Factorization