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Publications by Franck Laurent
Agroinfiltration Is a Versatile Tool That Facilitates Comparative Analyses of Avr9/Cf-9-Induced and Avr4/Cf-4-Induced Necrosis
Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions
Crop Science
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A Mutational Analysis of the Cytosolic Domain of the Tomato Cf-9 Disease-Resistance Protein Shows That Membrane-Proximal Residues Are Important for Avr9-Dependent Necrosis
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Rearrangements in the Cf-9 Disease Resistance Gene Cluster of Wild Tomato Have Resulted in Three Genes That Mediate Avr9 Responsiveness
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The Biotrophic Fungus Cladosporium Fulvum Circumvents Cf-4-Mediated Resistance by Producing Unstable AVR4 Elicitors
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No Evidence for Binding Between Resistance Gene Product Cf-9 of Tomato and Avirulence Gene Product AVR9 ofCladosporium Fulvum
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Structural Analysis of an Avr4 Effector Ortholog Offers Insight Into Chitin Binding and Recognition by the Cf-4 Receptor
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Joining of Cf/C and Cf/SiC Composites to Metals