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Publications by G A Grant
Effects of the Neonatal Injection of a Carcinogen on the Induction of Tumours by the Subsequent Application to the Skin of the Same Carcinogen
British Journal of Cancer
Cancer Research
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The Induction of Tumours of the Bladder Epithelium in Mice by the Direct Application of a Carcinogen
British Journal of Cancer
Cancer Research
Carcinogen-Specific Induction of Genetic Instability
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Distribution of Lymphoid Nodules, Aberrant Crypt Foci and Tumours in the Colon of Carcinogen-Treated Rats
British Journal of Cancer
Cancer Research
The Alkylation of Nucleic Acids of Rat and Mouse in Vivo by the Carcinogen 1,2-Dimethylhydrazine
British Journal of Cancer
Cancer Research
Investigation of Adsorption of the Nitrosamine Molecule as a Carcinogen Agent on the AlN Nanotubes: A DFT Study
Chemical Methodologies
Quantifying the Effects of Preventive Foods on the Metabolism of a Prostate Carcinogen in Humans and in Prostate Cells Grown in Culture
CARcinogen EXposure: CAREX
Asian Pacific Journal of Environment and Cancer
Carcinogen Selection
Genome Biology