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Publications by G Tesfamichael
Groundwater Recharge, Evapotranspiration and Surface Runoff Estimation Using WetSpass Modeling Method in Illala Catchment, Northern Ethiopia
Momona Ethiopian Journal of Science
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Environmental Science
Runoff Estimation Using SCS Runoff Curve Number Method in Cebu Island
ISPRS - International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences
Estimating Height Runoff by Using Curve Number Method and Arc- CN Runoff Tool in Afjeh Catchment
Journal of Spatial Analysis Environmental Hazarts
Rainfall-Runoff Relation and Runoff Estimation for Holetta River, Awash Subbasin, Ethiopia Using SWAT Model
International Journal of Water Resources and Environmental Engineering
The Role of Catchment Classification in Rainfall-Runoff Modeling
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions
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Planetary Sciences
Spatial and Temporal Variation in pH, Alkalinity and Conductivity in Surface Runoff and Groundwater for the Upper River Severn Catchment
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences
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Modeling of Groundwater Recharge and Discharge in Tomitaka Mine, Miyazaki Prefecture
Journal of Groundwater Hydrology
Estimation of Groundwater Recharge by Groundwater Level Fluctuation Method of Dibdibba Aquifer at Karbala- Najaf Plateau, Central of Iraq
Iraqi Journal of Science
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