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Publications by G. D. Pullinger
The Virulence Plasmid of Salmonella Dublin: Detailed Restriction Map and Analysis by Transposon Mutagenesis
Journal of General Microbiology
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Characterization of Three Proteins Expressed From the Virulence Region of Plasmid pSDL2 in Salmonella Dublin.
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Regulation of Plasmid Virulence Gene Expression in Salmonella Dublin Involves an Unusual Operon Structure.
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The Effect of Storage in Slurry on the Virulence of Salmonella Dublin
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Completion of the Detailed Restriction Map of theE.coligenome by the Isolation of Overlapping Cosmid Clones
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Mutagenesis by Neocarzinostatin in Escherichia Coli and Salmonella Typhimurium: Requirement for umuC+ or Plasmid pKM101.
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Demonstration of the Correlation of a 36-Megadalton Salmonella Serovar Enteritidis Plasmid to Virulence in Mice by Reintroduction of the Plasmid.
The Japanese Journal of Veterinary Science
Mutagenesis of Dimeric Plasmids by the Transposon Gamma Delta (Tn1000).
Journal of Bacteriology
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Plasmid-Borne Sulfonamide Resistance Determinants Studied by Restriction Enzyme Analysis.
Journal of Bacteriology
Molecular Biology
Characterization of Translation Termination Mutations in the SPV Operon of the Salmonella Virulence Plasmid pSDL2.
Journal of Bacteriology
Molecular Biology