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Publications by G. Dybkjær
Inter-Comparison and Evaluation of Sea Ice Algorithms: Towards Further Identification of Challenges and Optimal Approach Using Passive Microwave Observations
Earth-Surface Processes
Water Science
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Comparison of Sea-Ice Extent and Ice-Edge Location Estimates From Passive Microwave and Enhanced-Resolution Scatterometer Data
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Improving Passive Microwave Sea Ice Concentration Algorithms for Coastal Areas: Applications to the Baltic Sea
Tellus, Series A: Dynamic Meteorology and Oceanography
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Towards Variational Retrieval of Warm Rain From Passive Microwave Observations
A Study of the Fluctuations in Sea-Ice Extent of the Bering and Okhotsk Seas With Passive Microwave Satellite Observations (Abstract)
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Earth-Surface Processes
Optimization of a Sea Ice Model Using Basinwide Observations of Arctic Sea Ice Thickness, Extent, and Velocity
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Data Fusion for Use of Passive Microwave Data in Operational Sea-Ice Monitoring
Evaluation of Snow Parameters Using Passive Microwave Remote Sensing
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Analysis of Multiple-Angle Microwave Observations of Snow and Ice Using Cluster-Analysis Techniques
Journal of Glaciology
Earth-Surface Processes
Snowmelt Onset Over Arctic Sea Ice From Passive Microwave Satellite Data: 1979–2012
Earth-Surface Processes
Water Science