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Publications by G. England
Development of Advanced NO Sub X Control Concepts for Coal-Fired Utility Boilers
Development of Advanced NO{sub X} Control Concepts for Coal-Fired Utility Boilers. Quarterly Technical Progress Report No. 2, January 1--March 31, 1991
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Estimation of NO{sub X} Emissions From Pulverized Coal-Fired Utility Boilers. Final Report
Control of Fly Ash From Conventional Coal-Fired Utility Boilers
Journal of the Air Pollution Control Association
500 MW Demonstration of Advanced Wall-Fired Combustion Techniques for the Reduction of Nitrogen Oxide (NO[sub X]) Emissions From Coal-Fired Boilers
Innovative Clean Coal Technology (ICCT): 500 MW Demonstration of Advanced Wall-Fired Combustion Techniques for the Reduction of Nitrogen Oxide (NO{sub X}) Emissions From Coal-Fired Boilers. Phase 3A, Low NO{sub X} Burner Tests
180 MW Demonstration of Advanced Tangentially-Fired Combustion Techniques for the Reduction of Nitrogen Oxide (NO{sub X}) Emissions From Coal-Fired Boilers. Final Report
Low NO Sub X /SO Sub X Burner Retrofit for Utility Cyclone Boilers
Demonstration of Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) Technology for the Control of Nitrogen Oxide (NO Sub X ) Emissions From High-Sulfur Coal-Fired Boilers
Innovative Clean Coal Technology (ICCT): 500 MW Demonstration of Advanced Wall-Fired Combustion Techniques for the Reduction of Nitrogen Oxide (NO{sub X}) Emissions From Coal-Fired Boilers. Technical Progress Report, Fourth Quarter 1992