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Publications by G. P. Baxter
The Density and Atomic Weight of Helium: II
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
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Atomic Weight of Gallium
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Spectroscopy of Nonspherical Atomic Bubbles in Solid Helium
Journal of Physical Chemistry A
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LIF Measurements on an Atomic Helium Beam in the Edge of a Fusion Plasma—possible Derivation of the Electron Density
AIP Conference Proceedings
Phase and Density Dependence of the Delayed Annihilation of Metastable Antiprotonic Helium Atoms in Gas, Liquid, and Solid Helium
Physical Review A
Central Helium Density Measurements in PLT
The Effect of Atomic Density Gradient in Electromigration
International Journal of Materials and Structural Integrity
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Mechanical Engineering
Determination of Particle Density Using Air-Helium Pycnometer
Journal of the Research Association of Powder Technology, Japan