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Publications by G. W. T. H. Fleming
A Case of Multiple Neurofibromata Associated With a True Angioneurofibroma of the Acoustic Nerve, Jacksonian Epilepsy and Osteoporosis
Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry
Mental Health
Associated Facial, Vocal and Respiratory Components of Emotional Expression: An Experimental Study. (Journ. Neur. And Psychopathol.,vol. Xvii, P. 241. Jan., 1937.) Magoun, H. W. , Et Al.
Journal of Mental Science
Spirochaeta Pallida in the Inguinal Glands of General Paralytics [Spirochaeta Pallida Nei Gangli Inguinali Di Paralitici Progressivi]. (Riv. Sper. Di Freniat., Vol. Lvii, P. 104, March, 1933.) Ganfini, G.
Journal of Mental Science
The Microglia in Mongolian Idiocy [La Microglia Nell' Idiozia Mongoloide]. (Riv. Di. Pat. Nerv. E Ment., Vol. Xli, P. 293, Mar--Apr., 1933.) Cardona, F.
Journal of Mental Science
Regression in Manic-Depressive Reactions. (Psychiat. Quart., Vol. Vii, P. 386, July, 1933.) Witzel, A. E.
Journal of Mental Science
The Syndrome of Mental Automatism and Its Role in the Formation of the Chronic Systematized Psychoses. (Journ. Of Nerv. And Ment. Dis., April, 1927.) Bailey, P.
Journal of Mental Science
The Conduction of Labyrinthine Impulses to the Cortex. (Journ. Nerv. And Ment. Dis., Vol. Lxxviii, P. 250, Sept., 1933.) Aronson, L.
Journal of Mental Science
Cataplexy. (Journ. Of Neur. And Psychopathol., Vol. Xiv, P. 45, July, 1933.) Kinnier Wilson, S. A.
Journal of Mental Science
2. Psychology and Psychopathology
Journal of Mental Science
Variations in Blood Urea, Uric Acid and Cholesterol Content During Meningeal and Cerebral Diseases [Il Comportamento Del Tasso Ureico, Dell 'Acido Urico E Del Colesterolo Del Sangue Nel Corso Di Meningo Ed Encefalopatie]. (Riv. Di. Pat. Nerv. E Ment., Vol. Xli, P. 96, Jan.--Feb., 1933.) Lolli, N.
Journal of Mental Science