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Publications by GSP Ritchie
Estimates of Soil Solution Ionic Strength and the Determination of pH in West Australian Soils
Soil Research
Earth-Surface Processes
Soil Science
Environmental Science
The Long Term Fate of Copper Fertilizer Applied to a Lateritic Sandy Soil in Western Australia
Soil Research
Earth-Surface Processes
Soil Science
Environmental Science
the Influence of pH on the Forms of Cadmium in Four West Australian Soils
Soil Research
Earth-Surface Processes
Soil Science
Environmental Science
Changes With Time in the Availability of Soil Applied Zinc to Navy Beans and in the Chemical Extraction of Zinc From Soils
Soil Research
Earth-Surface Processes
Soil Science
Environmental Science
Effect of Lupins and Pasture on Soil Acidification and Fertility in Western Australia
Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture
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Recent Walker Circulation Strengthening and Pacific Cooling Amplified by Atlantic Warming
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Increasing Drought Under Global Warming in Observations and Models
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Collapsing Arctic Coastlines
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Stochastic Integrated Assessment of Climate Tipping Points Indicates the Need for Strict Climate Policy
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A Marine Heatwave Drives Massive Losses From the World’s Largest Seagrass Carbon Stocks
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Correction: Cooking Up Fuel
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