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Publications by George N. Kiladis
Tropical Intraseasonal Variability in 14 IPCC AR4 Climate Models. Part I: Convective Signals
Journal of Climate
Atmospheric Science
Large-Scale Meteorology and Deep Convection During TRMM KWAJEX*
Monthly Weather Review
Atmospheric Science
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Historical SAM Variability. Part II: Twentieth-Century Variability and Trends From Reconstructions, Observations, and the IPCC AR4 Models*
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Tropical Indian Ocean Variability in the IPCC Twentieth-Century Climate Simulations*
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Projected Changes to the Southern Hemisphere Ocean and Sea Ice in the IPCC AR4 Climate Models
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The Madden-Julian Oscillation and Extratropical Teleconnection Over East Asia During the Northern Winter in IPCC AR4 Climate Models
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Intraseasonal Variability Over Tropical Africa During Northern Summer
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Surface Albedo Feedback Estimates for the AR4 Climate Models
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The Seasonal Relationship Between Intraseasonal Tropical Variability and ENSO in CMIP5
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Causes of the Intraseasonal SST Variability in the Tropical Indian Ocean
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Asymptotic Models for Tropical Intraseasonal Oscillations and Geostrophic Balance
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