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Publications by Ghada Elmesallamy
Early Phase Postmortem Redistribution of Lidocaine and Midazolam in Adult Albino Rats
Egyptian Society of Clinical Toxicology Journal
The Possible Protective Role of Nigella Sativa Oil and Vitamin E Against Radiation in Adult Male Albino Rats
Egyptian Society of Clinical Toxicology Journal
Study of Potential Neurotoxic Effects of Acrylamide on the Cerebellum in Adult Albino Rats
Egyptian Society of Clinical Toxicology Journal
Endocrinal Disruption Effects of Atrazine on the Puberty of Juvenile Albino Rats: A Sub-Chronic Study
Egyptian Society of Clinical Toxicology Journal
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The Effects of Early Extirpation of the Thymus in Albino Rats
Journal of Experimental Medicine
Effect of Ginger and Propranolol on Experimentally Induced Portal Hypertension in Adult Male Albino Rats
Egyptian Society of Clinical Toxicology Journal
Protective Effect of Spirulina Against Irradiation Induced Liver Injury in Adult Albino Rat Rats
The Egyptian Journal of Anatomy
Evaluation of Histopathological and Ultrastructural Changes in the Testis of Tadalafil Treated Adult Male Albino Rats
Journal of Histology and Histopathology
Consumption of Coconut Oil (Cocos Nucifera ) on Sperm Parameters of Adult Albino Wistar Rats
Heredity and Dental Caries in Albino Rats
The Journal of the Kyushu Dental Society
Possible Protective Effect of Alpha Lipoic Acid Against Ricin Induced Hepatotoxicity in Adult Male Albino Rats
The Egyptian Journal of Forensic Sciences and Applied Toxicology
Early Postnatal Overfeeding Induces Early Chronic Renal Dysfunction in Adult Male Rats
American Journal of Physiology - Renal Physiology