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Publications by Gilberto Fisch
Modelling Weather Risk Preferences With Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis for an Aerospace Vehicle Launch
Meteorological Applications
Atmospheric Science
Rocket Emissions Representation in Atmospheric Air Quality Models: The Short-Range Atmospheric Transport and Reaction of Gases Released by Solid Propellant Engines
Meteorological Applications
Atmospheric Science
Avaliação Do Ciclo Anual Da Camada Limite Planetária Na Região Amazônica
Revista Brasileira de Geografia Física
Determinação Da Altura Da Camada Limite Planetária Em Fortaleza-Ce Utilizando Radiossondagens Do Projeto Chuva
Ciência e Natura
Observational Analysis of the Daily Cycle of the Planetary Boundary Layer in the Central Amazon During a Typical Year and Under the Influence of the ENSO (GoAmazon Project 2014/5)
Understanding Nighttime Methane Signals at the Amazon Tall Tower Observatory (ATTO)
Analysis of Relative Humidity Sensors at the WMO Radiosonde Intercomparison Experiment in Brazil
Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology
Ocean Engineering
Atmospheric Science
Distúrbios Ondulatórios De Leste (DOLs) Na Região Do Centro De Lançamento De Alcântara-Ma
Revista Brasileira de Meteorologia
Atmospheric Science