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Publications by Guohua Zhao
Electrochemical CO 2 Reduction: Electrochemical CO 2 Reduction Using Electrons Generated From Photoelectrocatalytic Phenol Oxidation (Adv. Energy Mater. 18/2019)
Advanced Energy Materials
Materials Science
the Environment
Renewable Energy
Novel KRIT1/CCM1 and MGC4607/CCM2 Gene Variants in Chinese Families With Cerebral Cavernous Malformations
Frontiers in Neurology
Dexamethasone Induces Aberrant Macrophage Immune Function and Apoptosis
Oncology Reports
Cancer Research
Thrust Bearing Stiffness Testing Based on Multidimensional Loading Device
Three Novel Mutations of the Spastin Gene in Chinese Patients With Hereditary Spastic Paraplegia
Archives of Neurology
Total Synthesis of Angularly Fused Natural Products