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Publications by Guray Erener
Effects of in Ovo Injection of Lysine and Methionine Into Fertile Broiler (Parent Stock) Eggs on Hatchability, Growth Performance, Caecum Microbiota, and Ileum Histomorphology
Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia
Animal Science
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Effect of Incubation Duration on Broiler Breeder Eggs Hatchability and Post-Hatch Performance
Journal of Animal Health and Production
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Effects of Dietary Probiotic and Synbiotic Supplementation on Broiler Growth Performance and Intestinal Histomorphology
Ankara Universitesi Veteriner Fakultesi Dergisi
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The Effects of In-Ovo Injection of Glucose on Hatchability, Hatching Weight and Subsequent Performance of Newly-Hatched Chicks
Revista Brasileira de Ciencia Avicola
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Influence of Excess Lysine and Methionine on Cholesterol, Fat and Performance of Broiler Chicks
Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances
Effects of Post-Hatch Nutrition of Arginine, Lysine, Methionine and Threonine on Performance and Intestinal Morphology in Broiler Chickens
Bulgarian Journal of Veterinary Medicine
The Effects of Prestorage Incubation of Quail Breeder Eggs on Hatchability and Subsequent Growth Performance of Progeny
Animal Research
Effects of in Ovo Injection of Theophylline and Electrolyte Solutions on Hatchability and Growth of Broilers From Day 0 to Day 10 Post-Hatch
International Journal of Poultry Science
Animal Science
Food Animals
Effects of in Ovo Injection of Threonine on Hatchability, Intestinal Morphology, and Somatic Attributes in Japanese Quail (Coturnix Japonica)
Journal of Applied Animal Research
Animal Science
Effects of Electric Field During Incubation of Eggs on the Hatchability and Post-Hatch Performance of Meat Chickens
International Journal of Poultry Science
Animal Science
Food Animals