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Publications by H. Y. Tam
A Robust and Dither-Free Technique for Controlling Driver Signal Amplitude for Stable and Arbitrary Optical Phase Modulation
Optics Express
Molecular Physics,
All-Polymer Fiber-Optic pH Sensor
Optics Express
Molecular Physics,
Fiber Optics and Photonics: Emerging Applications—introduction to the Feature Issue
Applied Optics
Bound Twin-Pulse Solitons in a Fiber Ring Laser
Physical Review E
Compound Pulse Solitons in a Fiber Ring Laser
Physical Review A
Observation of Bound States of Solitons in a Passively Mode-Locked Fiber Laser
Physical Review A
Optimal Design of Double-Clad Ytterbium-Doped Fiber Amplifiers Operating at 1020-1070