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Publications by HUADONG GUO
Revealing the Surge Behaviour of the Yangtze River Headwater Glacier During 1989–2015 With TanDEM-X and Landsat Images
Journal of Glaciology
Earth-Surface Processes
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Spatial-Temporal Characteristics of Glacier Velocity in the Central Karakoram Revealed With 1999–2003 Landsat-7 ETM+ Pan Images
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The Recent Surge of Walsh Glacier, Yukon and Alaska
Journal of Glaciology
Earth-Surface Processes
The Recent Surge of Walsh Glacier, Yukon and Alaska
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The Structural, Geometric and Volumetric Changes of a Polythermal Arctic Glacier During a Surge Cycle: Comfortlessbreen, Svalbard
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Trends and Variability of Daily Temperature Extremes During 1960–2012 in the Yangtze River Basin, China
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Surge of West Fork Glacier, Alaska. U.S.A.
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Earth-Surface Processes