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Publications by Han Ji
A Comparative Study of the Microstructure and Water Permeability Between Flattened Bamboo and Bamboo Culm
Journal of Wood Science
The Herculean Echoes in Frankenstein
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Bamboo Flowering From the Perspective of Comparative Genomics and Transcriptomics
Frontiers in Plant Science
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A Comparative Study of Regenerated Bamboo, Cotton and Viscose Rayon Fabrics. Part 2: Antimicrobial Properties
Journal of Family Ecology and Consumer Sciences /Tydskrif vir Gesinsekologie en Verbruikerswetenskappe
Characteristics of Soil and Water Loss in Typical Bamboo Forest
Water Adsorption Properties of Bamboo in the Longitudinal Direction
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Manufacturing Engineering
The Study of Extraction and Purification of Lactones From Bamboo Leaves
Hans Journal of Food and Nutrition Science
The Constitution of Bamboo Hemicellulose
The Journal of the Society of Chemical Industry, Japan